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Boobs are a No-go!


3D Female Minifigs

A new female minifig torso where - for once - you haven't to look closely at the front pattern to figure out if she is really a she. The torsos come with all kinds of patterns such as bras, tops, dresses, tank tops, ...

More information and details can be found at my web site Holly-Wood.it where you might download files in the LDraw file format to play with in your preferred LDraw editor.

Please take a minute and share this project with your friends. Thank you for your support!

Cuusoo 1


The female torso parts you can download from the LDraw custom parts page will never be available as real parts. When I proposed the project on the left to LEGO Ideas (former CUUSOO) they replied: "Not everything is appropriate for us to put our name on and sell as a LEGO product".
Is this sexism? Probably, probably not. At least it is the same inconsistency we have witnessed with weapons. It is TLG's policy not making warfare toys, but nothing hinders them selling Indiana Jones sets – well that's a totally different matter: it's fictional, it's history, it's Indy against Nazis or cold war Russians. It is TLG's policy not allowing a female torso on LEGO Ideas, though they printed torsos with prominent female attributes since 1993 such as 973p38 - Minifig Torso with Female Pirate Pattern and today the LEGO Friends girls come with small breasts. Anyway read the official rejection below:

Subject: Oh no! Your project was not approved. Here is what you can do.
Date: 19-nov-2012 10.11 PM
Message-ID: <0000013b1a82b329-992d34dc-0ee6-445a-92ca-378a0147f33f-000000@email.amazonses.com>

Hi Holly_Wood,

We reviewed your project submission and have found that it contains inappropriate content for a potential LEGO product. You are welcome to remove the inappropriate content and submit your project again.

3D Female Minifigs

Please see the Acceptable Project Content section of the Project Guidelines and House Rules (http://lego.cuusoo.com/guidelines). Remember that LEGO is a toy company, so we're careful to only produce products we deem appropriate for children. Projects related to the below topics will not be approved. We will decide how a project fits these standards at our discretion.

* Politics and political symbols
* Religious references including symbols, buildings, or people
* Sex, drugs, or smoking
* Alcohol in any present day situation
* Swearing
* Death, killing, blood, terrorism, or torture
* First-person shooter video games
* Warfare or war vehicles in any modern or present-day situation
* Racism, bullying, or cruelty to real life animals

Not everything is appropriate for us to put our name on and sell as a LEGO product, but you can still share your creation with the world on
a photo sharing site like Flickr (http://www.flickr.com) or on our own bookmarking site, ReBrick (http://rebrick.LEGO.com).



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