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  Home > MLCad > Newest MLCad.ini file Last update: 19.11.2024  
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MLCad.ini file for the minifig generator

  The MLCad.ini file tells the program - among other things - which parts are available in MLCad's and LeoCAD's minifigure generator. Also the generator in Bricksmith - the counterpart LDraw editor in the MAC world - refers to this file. This means that the chart has to be updated every time LDraw.org releases a new parts update containing minifig parts. You can add the new code by yourself, following the instruction on this page or just download the file below since Holly-Wood.it is the official maintainer of the .ini file.

Within a few days a LDraw Parts Library update has been released the file will be up to date. The numbers in the filename refer to the update, the file sticks to. For MLCad just unzip the content and replace the outdated file in "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Ing. Michael Lachmann\MLCad" - obviously after you have made a backup of the old version and copied customizations you might already have made. If your installation doesn't come with a MLCad.ini file just add it to the other files in the AppData folder.
Download icon MLCad_ini_2024-09.zip   (66 KB)
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